Marriage Vision Statement: Just For Marrieds? 

Recently I posted on my Facebook wall a photo of the “Marriage Vision” my husband and I had come up with. He and I have been receiving awesome feedback about it, as well as some questions as to whether and how this could be relevant outside of marriage. I believe the principles definitely can be! But before I talk about that, first let me explain what a Marriage Vision is.

As a married couple, you are joined together in a covenant of love, bound together by God as a united front. You are a team – two singles brought together to make one whole. With Christ as your foundation and hope, it is helpful to know where your marriage is headed, and what it’s going to take to get there – in other words, what is the purpose of your marriage? And how are you going to achieve that?

Props must of course go to The Generous Wife, who was the one to encourage myself and thousands of other couples to come up with a Marriage Vision. You can read more of her encouraging content here:

This is our Marriage Vision:

The clincher in all of that is that we want to glorify God by increasingly enjoying Him and enjoying each other forever. 

So, considering the specific parameters of marriage, how can non-married Christians apply the same principles in singleness, or a dating relationship?

Glory, Fellowship and the Church for Singles

The glory of God should be the top priority of every Christian, regardless of life circumstance or season. So for the single, their ultimate goal should be glorifying God; and this is mainly done through knowing and enjoying Him in increasing measure, as you grow in godliness; ministering to other Christians (as well as being ministered to), and devotion to Christ’s church through genuine, heartfelt worship and service, using the spiritual gifts God has given you for the sole purpose of building up His bride.

Holiness, Honour, and Dating

I believe there’s also a middle ground for those who are neither single nor married – but within the context of a romantic relationship. The seeking of God’s glory becomes a hunger and thirst for holiness (as we ought to be holy as He is holy). Our romantic relationships should increase in spiritual, emotional and physical intimacy with equal measure (as appropriate), with reverence and a sincere desire to be holy. Instead of, “how far can we go?”, Christian couples should ask, “How holy can I/we be?”.

Moreover, we can honour our partner by adhering to the biblical pattern of loving headship and submission. Obviously, since you’re not married, this won’t be to the full extent – but lads can practice loving like Christ loves the church (by making sacrifices for his gal), and ladies can practice gentle submission by letting go of pride, and trusting the loving leadership of her man.

All in all, there’s no reason for any Christian to think they can’t apply the ‘principles’ found in the vision and goal of marriage to their own lives. We should continue in the hope set before us by Christ, ever prayerful and devoted to the glory of God!